let's make a song instructions
if you've arrived at this post, you likely linked here from a youtube video. thanks for that.i have no earthly idea what shape if any this thing will take, but i figure i'll nip a crazy amount of work in the bud this way.
if you want to add a part, please do the following:
-email me at colinwoodfordmusic@gmail.com with a video of your part, with the audio as you intend it. you may send a separate audio file if you like, but come on, there's gotta be a video too.-the subject line = 'lets make a song'. anything else will get dumped.-IMPORTANT-if there's multiple bass parts, for example, and you want to be added to a specific one, please let me know. the numbering system is as follows:____-let's make a song 1 = original drums.____-let's make a song 1-1 = original drums plus, in this case, bass.____-let's make a song 1-2 = original drums plus a different bass part.____-let's make a song 1-2-1 = drums, bass 2, and your fancy new part.-please also include a link to your principal web presence, for the description. that's it. from there, i'll strip the audio into my daw, process it and blend it with the other voices in what the kids are now calling a 'mix.'in the video your name will be up, so too will it be in the description, plus the link you helpfully provided.if for some bizarre combination of reasons one of these makes money, and you're on it, you and me and whoever else is on the video will be equal writers, of course.mostly though, let's make a cool thing in an unusual way.cheers